Anti Money-Laundering.
Risk management against
money laundering


CORA AML is the module of GRC CORA designed to support intermediaries by automating anti-money laundering requirements such as adequate verification and dynamic monitoring of recycling risk in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231 of 21 November 2007 and related Implementing measures.

CORA AML makes it easy to demonstrate accountability.

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CORA AML is modular and configurable based on the characteristics of each organization.

Manage the list of your reports of different types, store and keep the documentation over time, continuously monitor the continuous reports.

Create and manage the register of suspicious reports related to your customers by making assessments to determine the actual presence of incorrect operation.

Through the combination of personal data and data derived from customizable KYC questionnaires, you can determine the level of risk of your relationship both ex-ante and ex-post.

It can be integrated with existing information systems for the recovery of reports and the export of calculated risk profiles.

Customize your approval workflow based on your needs, keep track of process progress, produce summary reports of analysis conducted.

In Germany, recycling is called Geldwäsche, literally “money laundering“. The origin of this expression, which is equivalent to the English money laundry, dates back to the well-known mafia boss Al Capone.

According to legend, he was the first to invest the money earned through illegal commercial activities in laundromats, thus hiding their true origin.

In a trial in 1931, he was asked about his profession and he replied, “I’m in the laundry business“.

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